序号 | 专利号 | 专利名称 | 发明人 | 申请日期 |
70 | EP2696210 | Monolithic Biaxial Bridge Magnetoresistive Sensors | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,金英西,沈卫锋,雷啸锋,薛松生 | 2012-05-23 |
69 | US 8,933,523 B2 | Single-Chip referenced full-bridge magnetic field sensor | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,金英西,沈卫锋,薛松生,王建国,雷啸锋 | 2012-04-06 |
68 | 6247631 | Single-Chip referenced full-bridge magnetic field sensor | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,金英西,沈卫锋,薛松生,王建国,雷啸锋 | 2012-04-06 |
67 | EP2700968A1 | Single-Chip reference full-bridge magnetic field sensor | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,金英西,沈卫锋,薛松生,王建国,雷啸锋 | 2012-04-06 |
66 | US 9,123,877 B2 | Single-chip bridge-type magnetic field sensor and preparation method thereof | 雷啸锋,薛松生,金英西,詹姆斯•G•迪克,沈卫锋,王建国,刘明峰 | 2012-04-01 |
65 | US 9,722,175 B2 | Single-chip bridge-type magnetic field sensor and preparation method thereof | 雷啸锋,薛松生,金英西,詹姆斯•G•迪克,沈卫锋,王建国,刘明峰 | 2012-04-01 |
64 | EP2696211 | Single chip bridge magnetic field sensor and preparation method thereof | 雷啸锋,薛松生,金英西,詹姆斯•G•迪克,沈卫锋,王建国,刘明峰 | 2012-04-01 |
63 | US 9,664,754 B2 | Single-chip push-pull bridge-type magnetic field sensor | 金英西,雷啸锋,詹姆斯•G•迪克,沈卫锋,王建国,薛松生,黎伟 | 2012-04-01 |
62 | EP2696209 | Single-chip push-pull bridge-type magnetic field sensor | 金英西,雷啸锋,詹姆斯•G•迪克,沈卫锋,王建国,薛松生,黎伟 | 2012-04-01 |
61 | CN102590768B | 一种磁电阻磁场梯度传感器 | 白建民,詹姆斯•G•迪克,刘明峰,沈卫锋 | 2012-03-14 |
60 | 5965924 | Push-pull magnetoresistive sensor bridges and mass fabrication method | 詹詹姆斯•G•迪克,金英西,沈卫锋, 薛松生,雷啸锋,张小军,李东风 | 2012-03-02 |
59 | US 8,872,292 B2 | Push-pull magnetoresistive sensor bridges and mass fabrication method | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,金英西,沈卫锋, 薛松生,雷啸锋,张小军,李东风 | 2012-03-02 |
58 | EP2682771 | Push-pull bridge magnetoresistance sensor | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,金英西,沈卫锋,王建国,薛松生,雷啸锋,张小军,李东风 | 2012-03-02 |
57 | 6017461 | Full-bridge magnetoresistive rotation sensors and mass fabrication method | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,沈卫锋,王建国,张小军,雷啸锋,金英西,薛松生 | 2012-03-02 |
56 | US 9,116,199B2 | Full-bridge magnetoresistive rotation sensors and mass fabrication method | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,沈卫锋,王建国,张小军,雷啸锋,金英西,薛松生 | 2012-03-02 |
55 | EP2682772 | Full-bridge magnetoresistive rotation sensors and mass fabrication method | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,沈卫锋,王建国,张小军,雷啸锋,金英西,薛松生 | 2012-03-02 |
54 | 6018093 | Single-package bridge-type magnetic- field angle sensor | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,沈卫锋,王建国,张小军,雷啸锋,金英西,薛松生 | 2012-03-02 |
53 | US 9,123,876 B2 | Single-package bridge-type magnetic- field angle sensor | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,沈卫锋,王建国,张小军,雷啸锋,金英西,薛松生 | 2012-03-02 |
52 | EP2682773 | Single-package bridge-type magnetic- field angle sensor | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,沈卫锋,王建国,张小军,雷啸锋,金英西,薛松生 | 2012-03-02 |
51 | CN102565727B | 用于测量磁场的磁电阻传感器 | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,金英西,沈卫锋,薛松生 | 2012-02-20 |
50 | CN202494772U | 用于测量磁场的磁电阻传感器 | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,金英西,沈卫锋,薛松生 | 2012-02-20 |
49 | US 9,234,948 B2 | A Single-Package Bridge-Type Magnetic Field Sensor | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,沈卫锋,王建国,张小军,雷啸锋,金英西,薛松生 | 2011-12-31 |
48 | EP2667213A1 | A Single-Package Bridge-Type Magnetic Field Sensor | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,沈卫锋,王建国,张小军,雷啸锋,金英西,薛松生 | 2011-12-31 |
47 | US 9,123,875 B2 | Thin-film Magnetoresistance Sensing Element, Combination Thereof, And Electronic Device Coupled to the Combination | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,薛松生 | 2011-12-30 |
46 | US 9,478,732 | Thin-film Magnetoresistance Sensing Element, Combination Thereof, And Electronic Device Coupled to the Combination | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,薛松生 | 2011-12-30 |
45 | EP2662856A1 | Thin-film magnetoresistance sensing element, combination thereof, and electronic device coupled to the combination | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,薛松生 | 2011-12-30 |
44 | CN102419393B | 一种电流传感器 | 韩连生,白建民,黎伟,王建国,薛松生 | 2011-12-30 |
43 | CN202372636U | 磁场传感装置 | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,沈卫锋,雷啸锋,薛松生 | 2011-11-11 |
42 | CN102540113B | 磁场传感装置 | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,沈卫锋,雷啸锋,薛松生 | 2011-11-11 |
41 | US 9,182,457 B2 | ISOLATED VOLTAGE TRANSDUCER | 詹姆斯•G•迪克,金英西,雷啸锋,沈卫锋,王建国,薛松生 | 2011-10-26 |
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