USB2705A Axial Low-Field USB Magnetometer
  • USB2705A-big
Part No.:USB2705A
Measurement Range(Gs):-50 to 50
Sensing Direction:X
Hysteresis (Gs):0.3 (Fit@±15Gs)
Uncorrected Nonlinearity:3%FS (Fit@±15Gs)
RMS Noise(mOe):0.35
Temperature Coefficient of Sensitivity(%/℃):-0.1
Sampling Frequency:110


The MDT USB2705A Magnetometer is a single axis digital magnetometer product family that is intended for the measurement of magnetic fields at frequencies less than 100 Hz. The MDT USB2705A Magnetometer combines a MDT TMR2705 TMR full bridge magnetic field sensor or other MDT sensor with plug and play USB data acquisition electronics to provide a single axis digital magnetometer in a simple low cost form factor. It is designed such that the user may use it directly combined with the proprietary MDT graphical user interface (GUI), controlled with a terminal emulator program, or integrated into the user’s custom written program. The GUI can be run on an 8” Windows Tablet, a notebook, or desktop computer.  Additionally, the probe electronics may be reprogrammed by the user using freely available open source Arduino development tools. The MDT USB Magnetometer is thus a complete development tool that allows a user a simple means for experimenting with MDT TMR sensors, sensor applications, and developing microcode and algorithms.


Features and Benefits

iconHigh sensitivity tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) technologyiconMeasurement range of -50 Gs to 50 Gs
iconHigh resolutioniconPlug and play USB interface
iconPowered from USB busiconGraphical user interface
iconCommand line user interfaceiconManual range selection
iconAdjustable filtering and averagingiconSimple zeroing and calibration
iconCustomizable linearizationiconDocumented programming interface
iconReconfigurable hardwareiconManual and automatic triggering


iconHigh resolution laboratory measurementsiconAutomated data acquisition and control
iconMaterials researchiconNon destructive testing
iconMagnetic object trackingiconSensor algorithm development
iconSTEM educationiconHobby and DIY

[Magnetometer Documentation] Download: MDT_USB Magnetometer.rar

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