TMR7307-C Isolated, Wide Bandwidth, Open Loop TMR Current Sensor
  • TMR7307-C-big
Part No.:TMR7307-C
Nominal current(A):20~50
Current range(A):±20~±50
Offset drift(mV/℃):/
Output drift(mV/℃):/
Operating Temperature(℃):-40~+105


TMR7307-C series current sensor is a type of TMR based isolated, open loop current sensor. Benefits the wide bandwidth, it is suitable for measuring DC, AC, pulse and mixed types of current signals. The TMR7307-C series provides multiple current options as 20A, 25A, 32A, 40A, 50A. The through-hole structure and onboard type facilitates the wire insertion of MC4 like PV terminals, it is well suitable for the compact solar inverter applications.


Features and Benefits

iconTMR sensing technologyiconFixed offset voltage and sensitivity
iconMultiple current options: 20A, 25A, 32A, 40A, 50AiconGalvanic isolation between primary and secondary circuits
iconFast response time: 1 μs Typ.iconLow temperature drift of offset voltage and sensitivity
iconWide bandwidth: 500 kHz Typ.iconThrough-hole onboard type, MC4 like terminal is compliant


iconAC variable speed driversiconSolar inverter
iconCombiner boxiconPower supplies for welding
iconSwitching mode power supply (SMPS)
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